Apologies over....so what's going on from my end?
I have two completed ceramic stars:
I am still working on more pieces.
In other news, a small article about the project will be coming out in Popular Crafts magazine in May! Here is my article, of course it is possible it may have been edited by the time it is printed.
Whilst browsing twitter, I became aware of @EstellaStar1 The story of two parents who lost their baby aged only 8months old from a genetic condition, SMA or Spinal Muscular Atrophy. SMA takes away the baby’s movement, and eventually their ability to breathe on their own and Estella spent the last few months of her life in Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice. I don’t know why this particular story touched me so much, maybe because the her parents were trying so hard to raise the public awareness of the disease, but I thought maybe I could help. Not only would I like to help raise the awareness of the condition, but also it would be lovely to give something to Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice in memory of Estella and also as a sensory wall for all the other children who spend their time there.
I would love you to join me in
making stars for the reception area of Bluebell Wood in whatever media you
choose. Variety is the spice of life so they say and a riot of texture and
colour in many different media would certainly enhance the lives of the
children, parents and staff at the hospice.
Stars should be between 5cm and 15cm across and suitable to be
displayed on a wall. Obviously stars will need to be child friendly, both
visually and safe for small fingers...non toxic, no sharp edges, beads and
buttons securely sewn or glued. As some children are not mobile, some of the
stars will be attached to the wall with Velcro. Embroidery, ceramic, crochet,
printing, painting, collage, knitting, weaving, woodwork, stained glass,
polymer clay....anything you do, we would love to see on Estella’s Wall. Any
stars I receive will be shown on my blog with links to your blog/shop/etc.
The deadline for the project is July 31st. Please
take a look at my blog http://www.estellaswall.blogspot.com/
to see what others have created and for more information. You can contact me
for an address via my blog or @lisaseaurchin on Twitter
Further online reading:
Search #smashsma on twitter
Sign the petition for free SMA
screening here: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/25997
.................................I hope we'll have some more stars to show them then. Although the deadline is still a way off, it would be great to have some stars to show people. That will encourage others to join the project.
I do have a small insentive....the first ten people to send me their finished stars will recieve a porcelain star brooch or pendant. I'm making these (they will be coloured when they are finished) and hope to find somewhere where I can sell them to raise money for SMA research.
So...I promise to be a bit more pro-active, and get this project on the right track....who's with me?!