Well, it is nearly at the deadline of 31st July. I need to back some of the stars to make them stronger and of course they need sticky pads on the back, but otherwise I'm nearly ready to send them up to Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice I would have like to have been able to travel to Sheffield myself, but unfortunately I won't be able to....this time. I have been talking to Sarah from the hospice, whom is very impressed with your stars by the way, and it is possible that I may do another project in the future.
So....if you have any more stars to send, now's the time to let me know and I can send them all up together. I can send others on after the main parcel if necessary.
I was hoping to reach out to people and spread the story of Estella. I think I have acheived this, and Linda, whom has connected to Estella's story through me has started her own collaberative project to raise awareness of SMA. So if you fancy making a tiny star, do contact Linda!
So....here are the stars I have received this week. I have these beautiful sepia photographs from Mark who has the whole alphabet at Alphabet Art. Before I saw them, I had the idea (with Mark's permission) that I would cut them into star shapes, but I feel this would make them difficult to read, and take away some of their beauty. So I will back these with board and send them as a separate piece to be displayed aside from the main star wall.
And these are the pieces I have been working on....I have finished the sticker pattern on the box lid. I still need to paint the box, add some rice for a rattle before gluing the lid on.
I also have some smaller porcelain stars with the impression of dasies and daisy centres.
This piece will be left unglazed to show the delicate texture.
Check back soon...I may even manage a picture of all the stars together!
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